Northern White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) ~ Armored Vulnerability

Angalifu, the Northern White Rhinoceros, has just died at the Wild Safari park in San Diego. i am stunned; not only because i grew up in San Diego and had seen the animal as a child, but because his death brings the species one step closer to extinction. There are now only 5 individuals left on the planet. There is essentially no hope of saving the species, though genetic material has been preserved with the hopes of someday reviving the majestic race. Later that evening as I sat quietly by myself, I reflected on all my memories of the rhinoceros from my time living in Tanzania. I thought of sun-baked backs at Serengeti, of black eyes peeping shyly from jungles in Manyara, of horns like towers breaking up through Ngorogoro mists at dawn. There are only two types of white rhino, and one of them will surely disappear by the time my life is over. The black rhinoceros is certainly on the brink of extinction as well. Will my child...