Arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx) ~ Protect Your Head

There was a time when i could not sleep. Each night when my head hit the pillow, a heatstorm of fearful thoughts began billowing up in my psyche. i would worry about the following day, and i would regret the previous one. i'd analyze, reanalyze, and re-reanalyze until i felt sick. And over all of these thoughts hung a burning orb of anxiety. I recently read a beautiful bit of literature out of South Africa. In low latitude deserts, daily air temperature may reach 50ºC (122ºF), with surface temperatures reaching 70ºC (158ºF)! A normal mammalian response to such heats would be sweating, panting, or licking its body. These responses are called “evaporative cooling”, but such responses are impossible for desert mammals because they would dry up like a furry raisin in a matter of hours! So how do they dump heat without dumping water? The Oryx of Saudi Arabia has an answer. Temperatures above 43ºC cause brain damage. Yet the O...