Golden Wolf (Canis anthus) ~ Identification

Recently in biology, the wolves got a new family member. The Golden Wolf is not exactly a new discovery, it’s been observed by biologists many times. But biologists had misidentified the creatures as a jackal, naming it the Golden Jackal. It wasn’t until a genetic conservationist at the Smithsonian Institute began comparing the Golden Jackal to other jackals that the misidentification was found out. He says that the “two lineages are not even closely related”. Thus Canis aureus (Golden Jackal) has been renamed Canis anthus (Golden Wolf). It is hard to identify things in this world, especially in the spiritual realm. Jesus warns us to beware of wolves dressed as something else (Matthew 7v14). Most people i have met in American college campuses identify as Christian, but when asked if they have ever read the Bible or what the main tenets of Christianity are, these students often cannot answer me. B.B. Warfield writes, “If everything ...