Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera truncata) ~ In Its Time

My Christmas Cactus was a bit of a let down this year. Winter finds this plant covered in bright scarlet flowers, but this year it sprouted only a few buds, and they were duds. Yet now in the late spring, when all the other flowers are blooming, it has finally burst into bloom! Seeing this one precious cactus flower made my heart thrill more than all the flowers outside. Even though it was late, it was worth waiting for. This flower was by far the most beautiful of any it has bore before. I am a bit like this cactus plant. I look out my window at passers-by and wonder “Am I good enough? I don’t have so much money as her, or prestige as him, or intelligence as them…” It is encouraging to remember where I am planted; because where you are planted makes all the difference. The poet David wrote: “ I am like a green olive tree flourishing in the house of God.” [1] Jeremiah said: “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LO...