Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) ~ Anticipating God in the Unknown

Odds are, you have a rhythm to your life. These rhythms might be daily, such as how you wind down after your workday, or even yearly, such as a summer holiday or family reunion. Most plant species have rhythms too, and not just the seasonal rhythms we know so well. Every plant has a distinctive daily rhythm, and many of these secret workings are still unknown to us. One of the most fascinating plant rhythms is its ability to move throughout the day in anticipation of its changing environment. Plants dance. They move and sway, bend and grope, reach and recoil. Plants move constantly, though it’s usually too slow for us fast-paced humans to notice. Like us, plants are regulated by hormones. These hormones, such as gibberellins and auxins, affect the growth and well-being of the plant. They also help the plant to react to stimuli, such as danger from bugs, obstacles, or water deep underground. As you can imagine, the most important stimulus for a plant to move toward is its food source: l...