Coronavirus (COVID-19) ~ Disinfecting Our Hearts

I recently flew home from a business trip. The day I’d embarked, a mere four days previously, everything had seemed normal. Yet on this, the day of my return, a sense of nervous urgency electrified the air. Passengers feverishly wiped down their seats, armrests, and tray tables. Some wore face masks. All wore knitted brows and anxious glances. I knew full well the reason for this behavior change. The day I left there were 4 people infected in my home state. The day I returned there were 40. COVID-19 is steadily marching on. I remarked how some of these individuals went to great lengths to make their environment clean, while at the same time spouting foul language and unkind gestures. Surely our surfaces have never been cleaner…yet, within, there is fear, greed, and anger. What if we cl...